hand with leaf
P.A. 3 / S.O. 3.1 - N. 162


Low Adriatic Species and Habitat

Project Summary

The project LASPEH wants to face the loss of biodiversity, by defining a common strategy to preserve the natural heritage and the landscape in the low Adriatic area. Special attention will be paid to species protected by the 92/43/EEC and 79/409/EEC Directives, typical of these eco-regions and/or threatened by environmental variations, caused by climate changes and wrong management. The project will create a network of organizations cooperating for nature conservation and improvement of Natura 2000 sites, by exchanging best practices and developing a common transnational strategy to preserve common species and habitats.


Total budget 504.490,10 EUR
EU Contribution IPA co-financing 85%
Duration 2018 / 2020

Main Outputs

-    Transnational Joint Strategy for the management of priority species in Natura 2000 sites
-    Conservation plans in the involved areas
-    Conservation pilot actions focused on selected habitat/species
-    Awareness campaign on stakeholders

Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Consorzio di gestione provvisoria del Parco Naturale Regionale "Dune costiere da Torre Canne a Torre S. Leonardo" (IT) - Contacts: Gianfranco Ciola - info[at]parcodunecostiere.org
Project Partners
  1. Agjencia Kombëtare e Zonave të Mbrojtura (AL)
  2. Javno preduzeće za nacionalne parkove Crne Gore (ME)
  3. Ente di Gestione delle Riserve Naturali Regionali Orientate del Litorale Tarantino Orientale (IT)
  4. Comune di Ugento (IT)
  5. Comune di Guardiaregia (IT)