Low Adriatic Species and Habitat
Project Summary
The project LASPEH wants to face the loss of biodiversity, by defining a common strategy to preserve the natural heritage and the landscape in the low Adriatic area. Special attention will be paid to species protected by the 92/43/EEC and 79/409/EEC Directives, typical of these eco-regions and/or threatened by environmental variations, caused by climate changes and wrong management. The project will create a network of organizations cooperating for nature conservation and improvement of Natura 2000 sites, by exchanging best practices and developing a common transnational strategy to preserve common species and habitats.
Total budget | 504.490,10 EUR |
EU Contribution | IPA co-financing 85% |
Duration | 2018 / 2020 |
Main Outputs
- Transnational Joint Strategy for the management of priority species in Natura 2000 sites
- Conservation plans in the involved areas
- Conservation pilot actions focused on selected habitat/species
- Awareness campaign on stakeholders
Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Project Partners
- Agjencia Kombëtare e Zonave të Mbrojtura (AL)
- Javno preduzeće za nacionalne parkove Crne Gore (ME)
- Ente di Gestione delle Riserve Naturali Regionali Orientate del Litorale Tarantino Orientale (IT)
- Comune di Ugento (IT)
- Comune di Guardiaregia (IT)
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery