Felty Germander

11 December 2020
Biodiversity of the pseudo-steppe in the Park of Coastal Dunes: the Felty Germander

The Regional Natural Park of Coastal Dunes 'from Torre Canne to Torre S. Leonardo' in Puglia is rich in hidden biodiversity on which LASPEH project aims to raise awareness. 

Particularly, "Sub-steppe paths of grasses and annual plants of Thero-Brachypodietea (* 6220)" is a priority habitat, based on Directive 92/43 / EEC Habitat, included into the Park of Coastal Dunes and subject to enhancement of the LASPEH project.

The felty germander, (Teucrium polium L., 1753) is a perennial woody plant, looking like a small shrub, belonging to the family of the Lamiaceae.

It is native to the Mediterranean basin and eastern Europe, and is bushy, with few 10-12 cm stems ramified in the upper part.

The leaves are 2 cm long at most, 2-4 mm broad, the flowers are even smaller of white or white-yellow colour, with red anthers, collected in small roundish inflorescences, in the form of flower heads at the extremities.

The Teucrium polyum has a bitter taste due to the presence of scordein, tanning substances, essential oil, an acidic saponin. All parts of this plant are used, both the whole plant and the leaves.

It has tonic-aromatic properties, stimulants of gastro-intestinal function.